Monday, April 13, 2009

Horse driving event CDE 5 points horse part NC

We were watching the water jump at the event and saw this team do an excellent job of recovering from having their cart impaled on a jump timber. April 11, 2009

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Post polio survivors group meeting in Pinehurst

Today I helped Rotary Past District Governor Ray Taylor, a polio survivor, make a presentation to a local polio survivors group at a hospital in Pinehurst NC. In addition to setting up the projector I answered questions on the virology of polio. The group was older as fortunately there are few new cases in the U.S. Most had lived well with the disease overcoming many difficulties and operations. One man was over 90 and others were close. The sad thing is that the disease comes back as one ages re-crippling the individual.

Clinking on the title of this post will take you to the PSA website.

A video prepared by PSA can be seen below.